Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2: Let There Be Chaos!
In Fall 2021 on August 22nd, one week after my first semester at ISU started, I joined a game jam. This particular game jam (Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2) lasted for one week (until August 29th). Even though this meant that I would have a busy first semester, I was pretty excited about it. In a couple of weeks, game design club would be starting up at ISU and I thought that doing the jam would not only be a good way to review working with Unity Engine, but also show off some of my prior knowledge to the club. I didn't end up making anything spectacular but I think my game was pretty decent with all things considered. Plus, it allowed me to join the club's "challenge project team" (a smaller group within the club that worked on a separate game from the main group). In this team, I worked on a game that was finished at the end of the semester (will talk about this in another post) and am currently working on another game as a part of the same group. Here's a link to the...